Things change, and i will eventually catch up.
I wonder how much i shall miss the era of preschool. I don't suppose i will regret the passing of the diabolical call "wipe my botty, mummy", usually heard at high pitch, at meal times.
Nigella Lawson's Marshmallow Crispy Squares
I have eaten these made with additional caramel sweets, melted into a toffee mess, but these are lighter, if no less sweet, and perhaps kinder on the teeth (but only slightly).
Melt 45g of butter in a heavy saucepan over a low heat. Add 300g of marshmallows and allow to dissolve completely while stirring gently.
Take off the heat and add 180g puffed rice (gluten-free by preference). The mix will be very sticky and stringy, like hot candy-floss.
Spoon into a lightly greased tin (i used a 22cm round cake pan). A silicone baking sheet (or greased grease-proof paper) placed over the top to press your hand against is the simplest way of flattening the sticky rice, either wise your hand and/or implement will be glued to the top of the cake.
When throughly flattened, add sprinkles or a little edible glitter. Allow to cool in the fridge and cut into shapes - either long, elegant triangles for indulgent solo eating, or small bite-sized chunks for party grazing.
This cake is particularly enjoyed by men, i find, despite the fairy pinkness.
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